by | 5 Aug. 2019

 2 min read

Keolis is one of Europe’s leading public transport operators. The group offers a full range of transport solutions to meet the needs of local authorities and passengers and constantly strives to offer its clients mobility choices in tune with the priorities of each geographical region.

Keolis is one of Europe’s leading public transport operators, established in 14 countries on four continents. The group offers a full range of transport solutions to meet the needs of local authorities and passengers and constantly strives to offer its clients mobility choices in tune with the priorities of each geographical region.

When did you start using Visual Planning?

We have been using Visual Planning for four years.

How did you find out about Visual Planning?

Through Internet searches.

How did you work before Visual Planning?

We used Excel worksheets to manage the department’s activity.

What made you choose Visual Planning?

The features, the ability to view schedules quickly and the price were crucial elements of our choice.

What is your configuration?

We have 15 read-only licenses and 10 editing licenses.

Can you describe the schedule(s) you have set up?

Visual Planning manages the working hours and absences of our ticket inspector teams and their task (location, type and duration of ticket inspections on the bus, and metro networks). It also manages the tasks of our health and safety, mediation and security staff. It is mainly a tool for coordinating our teams in the field. We have set up activity monitoring using the event reports (calculating the number of days of production, presence on the ground at each location and in each time slot, monitoring staffing etc…).

How long do you think the initial deployment of these schedules took?

Full deployment with the new version of Visual Planning took six months.

What do you think of the services provided?

The after-sales support teams are always very available and responsive whenever we call them.

What benefits of Visual Planning have you identified so far?

Visual Planning has given greater visibility to existing schedules and enabled better resource coordination. The event reports are very useful for constructing monthly scorecards of the department’s activity. Visual Planning has also made it easier to set up a supply and use table.

What advice would you give to new clients who want to install Visual Planning?

The first job is to clearly identify your needs and all the details that may be involved in managing schedules.

Anne-Laure Marinier 
Organization and Methods Officer


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“Easy to use, it ensures a quick start without constraining training.”

Marc G. | Project manager

Optimize your resources, manage your activities efficiently, boost your productivity!
And by the same author:
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