by | 6 Apr. 2019

 3 min read

EDF is the world’s largest producer of electricity and employs more than 150,000 people worldwide. It generates energy using nuclear technology, as well as thermal, hydroelectric and other renewable sources.

The EDF group is a leading energy player, active in all major electricity businesses.Every day tens of millions of businesses and consumers turn to EDF—one of the world’s leading electric utilities—for the electricity they need to keep their homes, offices, and factories running smoothly. The EDF group is committed to several values, such as providing its customers with a reliable, energy-efficient power supply backed by unbeatable customer service, ensuring maximum energy safety, and remaining at the forefront of energy technology—whether for nuclear, hydro, wind, or solar power—and leading the drive towards a carbon-free world.


As head of a training team in EDF and Gaz de France, I started to search for a scheduling software when I took my job in 1998. I wanted a solution that would allow me to manage the activities of 15 people.


When I found Visual Planning in a specialized newspaper, I asked for a demo right away and I really appreciated the various capabilities of the tool. After some very conclusive tests, I ordered a version that we installed on our own servers. One of the main points of interest for me was to be able to share information between trainers, project managers who usually process the customers’ requests, and also with the assistants who follow the different steps of each project.

We proceeded to an internal audit, and then decided to deploy Visual Planning in the whole department all around France, which represented more than 100 licenses.


Visual Planning allows us to schedule every stakeholder in processes – that we defined as a chain of activities – to monitor their absences, to forecast our production in the chosen units, for a selected stakeholder, for a team or for a department. Its user-friendliness enabled us to start using it very fast.

We now use Visual Planning for other purposes such as outgoing calls management on support operations as part of our professional training schemes, booking management (rooms, training tools, vehicles…).

M. Tortes


Endless possibilities

visuel ragu

“Easy to use, it ensures a quick start without constraining training.”

Marc G. | Project manager

Optimize your resources, manage your activities efficiently, boost your productivity!
And by the same author:
Recevez nos dernières informations et mises à jour sur Visual Planning

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